Monday, 28 April 2014

Module-5 Past Paper Questions and Answers (2 marks)

1. Why is public expenditure increasing in India?

Public expenditure is increasing because of huge population and the defense expenditure has increasing tremendously due to modernization of defense equipment used by army.

2. What is parallel economy

A black market or underground economy is the market in which goods or services are traded illegally

3. Define poverty line 

A level of personal or family income below which one is classified as poor according to governmental standards —called also poverty level

4. What is the meaning of family welfare program?

Steps for development of well-being of family as they can maintain family with peace and love.

5. What is buffer stock

Minimum level of stock required to meet contingencies. Buffer stock should be sufficient to cover problem such as break in supply or demand stock.

6. Expand the Term B.P.L

Below Poverty Line

7. What is black money?'

Proceeds, usually received in cash, from underground economic activity. Black money is earned through illegal activity and, as such, is not taxed. Recipients of black money must hide it, spend it only in the underground economy, or attempt to give it the appearance of legitimacy through illegal money laundering.

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